Save Data & Upcomming Update

Looks like there are issues with save data on itch io (I'm using Unity PlayerPrefs), where they get reset if I publish a new version. It'll be changed in the next version, but when that happens, all progress will get reset.

On the upside, the next will contain various smashing options unlocked alongside mugs and will be continually upgradable till the current endgame, so the experience should be different.


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Hey, fellow dev here. How did u end up saving the data? I want to do the same for my game but not sure how.

Saving in a file that is not related to Application.persistentDataPath, because that seems to change inbetween builds on itch.

And make sure to call 'JS_FileSystem_Sync' after writing to files.

I never not-used it so I'm not sure how important is but you can look it up and see how to import it and what it's intended to do.

Thank you so much! Btw the game is very addicting :)


I think the manual smashing missions need to have their goals nerfed. It's really tedious to manually smash 777 big mugs, and if my save gets reset, I certainly won't want to do this again.